Startup Dad
Startup Dad
What It Takes to Raise SIX Kids and be a CEO | Tobi Emonts-Holley (father of 6, CEO of Tiphereth)

What It Takes to Raise SIX Kids and be a CEO | Tobi Emonts-Holley (father of 6, CEO of Tiphereth)

Today’s Startup Dad episode is sponsored by Segment. A product I’ve used extensively and highly recommend. It doesn’t help you with fatherhood, but it certainly makes your professional life easier! If you’re looking for help collecting, cleaning and acting on customer data then Segment can help. You can now build fast with a reliable, performant and compliant stack. Apply now to get $50k in Segment credits!

Tobi Emonts-Holley is the CEO of Tiphereth where he started as a volunteer nearly 18 years ago. Tiphereth is an Edinburgh-based community for adults with learning disabilities and other support needs. He also holds a PhD in Economics. Most importantly (and impressively) Tobi and his wife are the parents of six children!

In this episode we discuss:

  • Tobi's early journey leaving his home and moving to Edinburgh at a young age

  • The joys and challenges of raising six unique kids

  • Tobi's philosophy on fatherhood, including why memories trump possessions

  • What it takes to be a great partner to his wife and how they share responsibilities

  • What it means to be truly present in parenting

  • The concept of "no magic pill" when it comes to raising kids

  • How your kids are motivators, not excuses

  • How to instill values, ethics and a sense of purpose in your children

  • Tobi's lessons learned from living life very publicly on social media

  • A "typical day" when raising six kids

  • Rapid fire!

Listen, watch and subscribe: Apple, Spotify, YouTube, and Overcast.

Where to find Tobi Emonts-Holley:

Where to find Adam Fishman

In this episode, we cover:

[1:48] Welcome Tobi!

[2:18] His background

[4:18] Tobi's family and childhood

[7:42] Being an only child vs. having 6 kids

[9:31] All about Tobi's wife

[11:53] All about Tobi's kids

[14:29] How he knew he was ready for marriage at 22

[17:28] Their decision to start a family at a young age

[19:04] There's "no magic pill"

[21:57] Tobi's online mistake

[28:32] His earliest memory of being a dad

[31:08] Why kids are motivators not excuses

[35:13] What you give up up to be a dad

[37:01] Most surprising thing about being a dad

[38:30] His favorite books to read his kids

[39:49] Least favorite book

[40:53] Why memories trump possessions

[43:32] Parenting frameworks

[46:06] Daily schedule for a Dad of 6

[50:22] Where he and his partner don’t agree

[52:18] Mistakes made as a dad

[54:13] Follow Tobi

[55:32] Rapid fire

Show references:

How I discovered Tobi -

Tiphereth -

The Hobbit -

Warrior Kid Book Series -

Paw Patrol -

Cheaper by the Dozen -

Father of the Bride -

The Steering Wheel Tray -

Production support for Startup Dad is provided by Tommy Harron at

Episode art designed by Matt Sutherland at

Startup Dad
Startup Dad
Adam Fishman (author of a top business newsletter on Substack with 10K+ subscribers) interviews executives, entrepreneurs, and company leaders in technology companies who are also fathers. They discuss the tough aspects of work, parenting, family, the mistakes made and lessons learned along the way.