Startup Dad
Startup Dad
Managing Weekends as a Founder & Dad and 'First Team' Parenting | Patrick Thompson (Dad of 1, co-founder of Clarify)

Managing Weekends as a Founder & Dad and 'First Team' Parenting | Patrick Thompson (Dad of 1, co-founder of Clarify)


Patrick Thompson is a three-time founder, starting a company right after college and then founding and selling his second company, Iteratively, to Amplitude in 2019. He stayed on as a Director of Product until leaving recently to co-found his third company, Clarify, a next generation CRM platform. He’s a loving husband and the father of one kid. In today's conversation we discussed:

  • How to manage a young family with starting a company

  • The differences between his last startup when he wasn’t yet a parent and this one

  • Having the conversation with your partner about getting back to building

  • Investing in your relationship with your partner

  • The concept of “first team” and applying that at work and home

  • Rituals for quality time with your kids

  • Recharging his batteries as both a parent and founder

  • Top tips for airplane travel with an infant

  • A potty training disaster story

Listen now on Apple, Spotify, Overcast and YouTube.

Where to find Patrick Thompson

  • Linkedin:

  • X:

Where to find Adam Fishman

In this episode, we cover:

[1:36] Welcome

[1:48] Shout out to his co-founder Austin

[2:18] Why start a company while having a toddler?

[3:26] How has being a dad changed your company-building approach?

[5:11] Childhood

[7:44] Athletics compared to startups

[10:16] How did you meet your wife?

[11:40] Decision to start a family

[12:52] Decision to leave Amplitude and start a company

[16:45] Investing in your relationship with your partner

[18:58] Applying “first team” at home

[20:05] Taking an 18 month old on an airplane and top toddler travel tips

[22:42] Earliest memory of becoming a dad

[24:48] Most surprising aspect of fatherhood

[25:55] Mistake you made as a dad

[28:30] Advice for pre-kid era Patrick

[30:15] Advice to ignore

[31:32] Rituals in a busy life

[33:19] How to manage weekends as a founder

[34:20] Frameworks for parenting

[36:34] An area Patrick and his wife don’t agree on in parenting

[38:46] Relationship Patrick wants his son to have with technology

[40:51] What he’s given up to become a dad

[42:18] How to recharge your batteries

[43:32] Family favorite trip

[44:59] Follow along Patrick’s journey

[45:45] Rapid Fire

[51:41] Thank you

Show references:



Boy Scouts:


Siqi Chen’s on Startup Dad:

Immad Akhund’s on Startup Dad:

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Production support for Startup Dad is provided by Tommy Harron at

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Startup Dad
Startup Dad
Adam Fishman (author of a top business newsletter on Substack with 10K+ subscribers) interviews executives, entrepreneurs, and company leaders in technology companies who are also fathers. They discuss the tough aspects of work, parenting, family, the mistakes made and lessons learned along the way.