Nick Soman is the founder and CEO of Decent, a healthcare company that helps small businesses band together to get more affordable health insurance for their employees. Prior to that he led growth for Gusto, was a product manager on the Kindle at Amazon, and started a company that he sold to Napster! In this episode we discuss:
How Nick's parents influenced his own parenting
The challenging early times as a Dad and startup leader
Discoveries he's had as a Dad
The importance of partnership in your marriage and how to navigate conflict
His "irrevocable guidelines" around family
Silicon Valley hustle culture and incompatibility with family life
Bringing his own values into his company
Many mistakes he's made as a father and what they've taught him
Where to find Nick Soman
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In this episode, we cover
[1:50] Introductions
[2:36] Nick and Decent Health
[4:28] Nick’s background
[7:08] His Parents
[8:58] Family life and Starting a family
[12:27] Challenging early times as a Dad
[16:00] Responsibility cape/choice vs. obligation
[17:12] Masculine energy/Nature vs. Nurture
[20:44] Dad discoveries/Do as I say, not as I do.
[24:41] Dissonance between partners
[25:32] Importance of partnership/conflict
[28:00] Marriage advice
[30:22] How do you and your wife recharge?
[32:46] “Irrevocable guidelines” around my family
[33:27] Silicon Valley “hustle culture”
[34:19] A trap he fell into/a walkabout
[37:44] Bringing values into his company
[40:46] Mistake he’s made as a father
[44:28] Rapid fire round
Links we reference:
Rivian -
“Hold Me Tight,” Dr. Sue Johnson -
Nick's company, Decent -
Andy Johns - How to Know When to Stop -
Production support for Startup Dad is provided by Tommy Harron at
Episode art designed by Matt Sutherland at
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